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Before Start GATE 2020 EXAM preparation because it’s important to know about the exam, it’s smart and it’s important to understand that what kind of strategy to make for that particular exam right, which you need to keep in mind before preparing first for the GATE 2020 EXAM.
We will discuss Complete Information about ( GATE 2020 exam, GATE 2020 Syllabus, GATE exams syllabus, GATE, Chemistry syllabus, GATE mech 2020, GATE architecture books pdf, GATE subjects )
okay, so the next target for most of you might be applied for GATE 2020 EXAM or 2021 so that keeping that in mind and just going to tell you things so the first thing is that you should be very clear about yourself that what you are going to do with The GATE 2020 EXAM.
ie what you want from the GATE 2020 EXAM either you want to do a job or you want to join Ph.D. in IIT is arises okay so these are only two things which you can do major like in a major way through this GATE 2020 EXAM so let us be very clear about it that if you want to do a job through this GATE 2020 EXAM score or through this GATE 2020 EXAM then your rank should be very good and your rank should be under 100 that is said to be very general and keeping the other factors inside your rank should be as it should be less than hundred in any way,
okay and if you just want to do like if you want to join for Ph.D. and if you are okay with any of deities then just qualifying this exam is valid enough so like and if you want to join a good IIT then your rank should be around 300 400 or even like 700.
People also get a variety now that particular things are different and I will talk about them later on but for now, this is something GATE 2020 Syllabus which you need to keep in mind, So I will talk about both the things if you are thinking about this exam from the GATE 2020 Syllabus point of view that group because you all have prepared for that right.
What is the level and GATE 2020 Syllabus of Exam: so the level of the exam is actually not a topic-specific somewhat is there that you should be very good at the particular thing like let’s say you are talking about Engineering Mathematics so you should be very good at Engineering Mathematics because Questions are asked in very deep from their case or beat Engineering Mathematics from everywhere questions are asked in very detailed.
In GATE 2020 EXAM you don’t have that Liberty, have a very detailed knowledge of a GATE 2020 Syllabus whereas in GATE 2020 EXAM you should have a general knowledge like is not that specific but yeah you should have an overall knowledge of the subject okay so overall knowledge of the subject is more important than when we talk about GATE 2020 EXAM, as you have Not Much Time for your GATE 2020 Syllabus preparation so The Best strategy Should be followed to prepare the GATE 2020 EXAM Exam.
GATE 2020 EXAM Study Material |
AG | Agricultural Engineering | More Info |
BT | Biotechnology | More Info |
CE | Civil Engineering | More Info |
CH | Chemical Engineering | More Info |
CS | Computer ScIENCE and Information Technology | More Info |
CY | Chemistry | More Info |
EC | Electronics and Communication Engg | More Info |
EE | Electrical Engineering | More Info |
GG | Geology and Geophysics | More Info |
IN | Instrumentation Engineering | More Info |
MA | Mathematics | More Info |
ME | Mechanical Engineering | More Info |
MN | Mining Engineering | More Info |
MT | Metallurgical Engineering | More Info |
PE | Petroleum Engineering | More Info |
PH | Physics | More Info |
PI | Production and Industrial Engineering | More Info |
TF | Textile Engineering and Fibre Science | More Info |
XE | Engineering Sciences | More Info |
XL | Life Sciences | More Info |