(हिंदी में)RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi (Topic-wise) Lectures Notes 2024-Buy Online Notes Full Syllabus Text Book
- Complete RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi (हिंदी में)
- For Commercial Apprentice, Goods guard, Traffic Apprentice, Traffic Assistant, Assistant Station Master, etc. all over India.
- For CBT 1 & CBT 2
- पूर्ण पाठ्यक्रम को शामिल किया गया
- कुल 12 अध्ययन सामग्री शामिल है
- वास्तविक गुणवत्ता
- सबसे पसंदीदा।
- शत प्रतिशत सही
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RRB NTPC Exam Preparing Students, If You are Are Looking for RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi Book Notes Pdf for Self Study and want to save your money and time for RRB NTPC Exam, then You Must go For The Best Complete RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi Book Notes Pdf [Full-Package].
This RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi covers full exam syllabus for Commercial apprentice, Goods guard, Traffic Apprentice, Traffic Assistant, Assistant Station Master, etc. all over India.
हमारे द्वारा प्रदान किए गए नोट्स सबसे अच्छा नोट्स है, After Preparing From these RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi Book Notes, You can definitely achieve your goal. Self-study is everything, and if you do coaching but don’t study at home then it is also a waste of time and money.
These Notes are Clearly Handwritten Notes by Toppers of RRB NTPC Exam Toppers and Top Professors which is Taken from the top Institutes of in India, having many Years of Experience in the Field of Related Competitive Sectors Exam Coaching Institutes. Prepare Your RRB NTPC Exam With The Best RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi Book Notes, ताकि इन नोट्स से पढ़ाई करने के बाद आप अपने एग्जाम में टॉप 10 की सूची में अपना एआईआर रैंक पा सकें।
These Complete Package of RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi Book Notes [Full Package] Covers the Complete area of Related Exam, यहां तक कि अगर आप अध्ययन में औसत हैं, तो आप इन नोट्स के सभी प्रमुख अवधारणाओं को समझ सकते हैं और पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्नपत्रों का अभ्यास करने और अपने गंतव्य परीक्षा में उत्कृष्ट टॉप 10 AIR RANK प्राप्त करने के लिए अपनी तैयारी और आत्मविश्वास को Increase कर सकते है!
Preparing From RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi Book Notes will make you in Getting Desire jobs in Related Exam and Also You Can Become Toppers in Your Upcoming RRB NTPC Exam and ये सब आपके लिए उतना मुश्किल नहीं है. केवल आपको सफलता के सही रास्ते का चयन करने की आवश्यकता है! These RRB NTPC Study Material Book Notes [Full-Package] आपकी परीक्षा के लिए पूरा पाठ्यक्रम शामिल है।
The material in Complete RRB NTPC Study Material Package |
General Intelligence & Reasoning (English मानसिक क्षमता)
Numerical Ability( Arithmetic) (English गणित योग्यता)
- Computer Fundamentals (ज्ञान और कंप्यूटर अनुप्रयोगों के सामान्य विज्ञान)
- General Awareness (सामान्य जागरूकता)
Physics General Science (भौतिक विज्ञान)
Chemistry General Science (रसायन विज्ञान)
Biology Notes General Science (जीवविज्ञान)
Geography (भूगोल)
Developmental Issues & Politics
Indian Economy (भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था)
Ancient History (प्राचीन इतिहास)
Medieval & Modern History(Indian Freedom Struggle) मध्यकालीन और आधुनिक इतिहास (भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम) - Current Events (वर्तमान घटनाएं)
Appointments / Resign (नियुक्ति / इस्तीफा)
Awards & Honours (पुरस्कार और सम्मान)
Books & Authors (पुस्तकें और लेखक)
Important Committees (महत्वपूर्ण समितियाँ)
Important Days (महत्वपूर्ण दिन)
Business & Economy (व्यापार और अर्थव्यवस्था)
International Current Affairs (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय करंट अफेयर्स)
Meetings & Conference (बैठकें और सम्मेलन)
India National Current Affairs (भारत राष्ट्रीय करंट अफेयर्स)
Persons In News (समाचार में व्यक्ति)
Science & Technology (विज्ञान प्रौद्योगिकी)
Jobs Recruitment & more About: Candidates who have applied for the RRB NTPC exam can start preparation for the upcoming RRB NTPC Exam with the best RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi. This Study Material is also for those candidates who have not started preparing for the RRB NTPC exam yet and want to cover the complete syllabus with a limited amount of time. So just go for complete RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi and start your preparation for the RRB NTPC Exam form today without wasting a single amount of time.
The syllabus and Relevant Study Material play an important role by instructing the candidate to focus on what to read in RRB NTPC Exam. You do not need to focus on unnecessary areas. The Prelims and Mains Exam Study Material followed by the complete Syllabus is discussed in detail in the RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi. So you are advised to go through the RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi to stay loyal.
The RRB NTPC test will be conducted in two written stages CBT 1 & CBT 2. The questions in both papers are primarily asked from the 4 skills of Arithmetic, Reasoning, General Intelligence, General Awareness, and General Science. So A detailed understanding of this RRB NTPC Study Material in Hindi can help you well prepared for RRB NTPC Exam preparation.
Apply Online (Official Website Link): http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/
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Additional information
Notes For | RRB NTPC (Commercial apprentice, Goods guard, Traffic Apprentice, Traffic Assistant, Assistant Station Master, etc. all over India.) Exam |
Complete Package | YES |
Over All Expected Pages | 1000+ |
Premium Notes | Yes |
Available in Soft Copy | Yes |
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